APENAS LA AGREGUE ME APARECIO Q ESTABA CONECTADA ASIQUE BUENO LE HABLE COMO LO HICE CON SADAKO Y SE DIO DE NUEVO! HABLAMOS MUCHO Y NOS HICIMOS AMIGAS n__n ... todo esto pasa gracias a mi cuenta "Cure" alli conoci a muchisimos cosplayers,hasta hombres q en verdad son hermosos y muy simpaticos ^^.Si tienen la suerte de tener una cuenta Cure haganse amigos de estos cosplayers xq son muy agradables y muy buenos ^^
ESTA VEZ CHATEE CON UNA CHINA QUE LE DICEN "ADO" ^^ . Les dejo la conversacion...hablamos de muchas cosas interesantes,obvio q hablamos de kipi haha
---> Ado dice:
YUP~ I am in HongKong
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
sugoii Kawaii
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
I love Your cosplays
---> Ado dice:
may i ask...where you find my msn add. ?
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
mmm Cure
---> Ado dice:
O~ ^^
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
my name is Camila I´m from Argentina
--->Ado dice:
you look like china..
sorry my english is poor
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
no problem mine too
---> Ado dice:
cure have many japan cosplay but little western...
i mostly find western cosplay in cosplay.com
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
yes japan,japan,japan but You are amazing
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
cosplay.com is the best
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
as Your account in cosplay.com ?
---> Ado dice:
i've not use it about.......umm.....3 year.. ^^"
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
---> Ado dice:
now i mostly use cure or album in taiwan ^^
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
oh yes taiwan
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
pliz gimme de link
---> Ado dice:
but it so hard to seaching ...
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
ok thanks
--->Ado dice:
the album have taiwan cosplayers the most , hong kong have none of similar album...v_v
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
very nice photos hahaha is so fuNNy
--->Ado dice:
thx ^^
my photos always upload to taiwan or japan....v_v
I wish hong kong would have a album like cure..
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
in Argentina is very complicated
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
must have the hope that some day come ^ ^
--->Ado dice:
yup ^^
do there have any cosplay event?
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
not much
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
recent events are starting now
---> Ado dice:
here too, event hold in x'mas and new year
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
here in halloween the first event (this year)
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
know de cosplayer Kipi? is China
---> Ado dice:
kipi is japan cosplayer
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
really ???
---> Ado dice:
yup~ she is famous
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
everyone says that china is not Japanese
---> Ado dice:
but i hear she now quit in cos becos busy in work
her photo send to china and china send it to everywhere......^^"
---> Ado dice:
we know that she is japanese
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
Now if this study in china
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
we have a fan club of Kipi
---> Ado dice:
!! wow..
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
Here are all fans of she
---> Ado dice:
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
I was not so much I like many cosplayers as Your You've got something special will be because You are Chinese
---> Ado dice:
thx..>_<>_< ---> Ado dice:
i think i cos a boy more than girl.....^^
---> Ado dice:
seem i have not see kipi cos a boy..
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
kipi is quite perfect but it's not my favorite because I get bored seeing always the same cosplays it's just pretty face but your cosplays are perfect!
--->Ado dice:
haha~ japan love to take photo in these style.....
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
hahahaha is trust
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
---> Ado dice:
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
You like final fantasy?
--->Ado dice:
i havn;t play it...but i watch the film ....FF7 @@
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
yes me too
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
my favorite is cloud
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
What time is here ?
---> Ado dice:
haha..... 5:00 a.m.
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
oh my God hahaha
---> Ado dice:
how about you?
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
Question What You want to know
---> Ado dice:
i watch anime all-night
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
ANIME is my life haha
---> Ado dice:
sorry , i just ask what time is here
---> Ado dice:
i am watching Pretty Cure
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
ohhh Pretty Cure
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
I´m Gundam SEED Destiny
---> Ado dice:
now i love gundam 00, seed destiny is out XD
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
hahahaha oh my god You´re so funny
---> Ado dice:
00 is better than seed destiny.....@@
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
OMG I found a cosplayer of taiwan in Cure^ ^
---> Ado dice:
seed destiny........pink gundam
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
---> Ado dice:
i know many taiwan and chinese cosplayer send their photo to cure.....my fd too
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
yes is true
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
You like Visual Kei ??
---> Ado dice:
sorry i don;t know ^^:
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
is a style of Japanese music
---> Ado dice:
o.... i just listen like x-japa or L'cus.....visual but not visual rock....know a little bit about them
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
ohhh ok my favorite group is An Cafe
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
I love AN Cafe
---> Ado dice:
they are great
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
---> Ado dice:
00 OP1 were their song~ >v<> Ado dice:
---> Ado dice:
Daybreak'S Bell ^^
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
You like the anime Rozen Maiden ?
---> Ado dice:
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
is so sweet
---> Ado dice:
war between dolls...i cos the boss XD
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
is amazing
---> Ado dice:
thx white dress are hard to take photo, layer will disappare
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
yes is true
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
are hard
by March I have to be ready my first Cosplay
---> Ado dice:
i just think you have cospaly already.....
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
not the photo of Cosplay is a friend Cosplayer
---> Ado dice:
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
Yesterday the knowledge by
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
is japanese
---> Ado dice:
how about the clothing? are you make by your own?
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
oh yeah
---> Ado dice:
haha~ china have shop could make the clothing for us
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
would be the best
---> Ado dice:
but they just know how to make the simple one
---> Ado dice:
clothing like FF are so hard for them
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
is too much for them
---> Ado dice:
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
This conversation is very funny
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
---> Ado dice:
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
You have friends cosplayers ???
---> Ado dice:
yes, i know with them in cosplay event
---> Ado dice:
and always cos in team
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
so Kawaii
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
---> Ado dice:
some oversea cosplayer are know with their album, then talking in BBS
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
---> Ado dice:
some live in macao and singapore..
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
really ? You´re life is so
---> Ado dice:
haha cosplay can get friends with different area ~
i 'll go to taiwan cosplay event , is fun
---> Ado dice:
if i go to japan, i would like to join cosplay event there
seem japan have cosplay event every weekend
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
me too is my dream
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
cosplay everyday hahaha
---> Ado dice:
now is 6:00 a.m. @@....
i go sleep la~ see you later ^^
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
ok see You
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
You´re amazing person
---> Ado dice:
haha~ thank ^^
bye bye~
Cosplay ForeveR ^^ I´m So Nyappy!!! dice:
Bye bye