Navi By Anubis360 can be found at ModtheSims, Registration Required.

Winged Triforce Sculpture, the Sacred Triangle by TheJim07, can be found at Mod The Sims. Registration Required.

Royal Crest of Hyrule Graphic T-Shirt by Tommytiger can be found at Mod The Sims. Registration Required.

Tree Triforce Tattoos By Shiver, at Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher.

Ocarina of Time: Decorative Spiritual Stones By Saikatsu at Mod The Sims, Registration Required.

Eryn Riley, Zelda Fan-Gamer Girl By Kasi89. This Sim can be found at TSR, Registration Required.

Zelda Castle (inspired by Ocarina of Time) By Candlelight82. This item can be found at Mod The Sims, Registration Required.

Link By Cash at TSR. Registration Required.